Anderson, Midnight

52 Models

As a photographer I decided to challenge myself to shoot 52 models in 2019. My campaign is how I would promote my challenge.



Introducing of models

Unapologetic statements documenting my thoughts and journey finding 52 models.

Casting calls to engage audience and reach diverse models


Postcards would be sent to prominent and local influencers to promote my exhibition. Outreach would be done through social media, emails and their marketing agencies to invite them to the 2020 exhibition and Grad EXperience.


A photobook would be on display at Grad EXperience and sold at the exhibition in 2020. Inside would be photos of each model and a caption that captures my impression of them. The book is meant to signify the chapter of the journey of my life.

Grad EXperience

A wall backdrop to go beside my OCAD exhibit where I could take photos of models/visitors and they could take photos of themselves


The exhibition would take place in 2020 which is also 20/20 in hindsight. 

Using Format